Graceful Opportunities Team

Get To Know

Our Staff & Board

Samuel Duer, LCSW

Samuel is President of the Board·of Directors of Graceful Opportunities, as well as President/Co-owner of Grace Reliant Health Services. Samuel is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 20+ years of experience working with individuals with mental health issues and/or developmental disabilities.

Samuel is married with two boys and his youngest is on the autism spectrum.

Susan Stone, MA-L

Susan is Vice President of the Board of Directors of Graceful Opportunities, as well as Co-owner of Grace Reliant Health Services. Susan has a Masters Degree in Leadership and has spent the majority of her career working in social services.

Susan has adult children and grandchildren and loves serving those around her.

Ann Click, BS

Ann is a member of the board of directors of Graceful Opportunities, as well as Executive Director of Grace Reliant Health Services. Ann has a Bachelor of Science and more than 25 years experience working in various roles with individuals with developmental disabilities.

Ann has grown children and grandchildren and has been a life long advocate, as well as guardian for her brother with Down’s Syndrome for 35 years. 

Nick Grassi

Nick resides in Jackson, MO. His draw to be a part of Graceful Opportunities comes by way of a huge heart for the demographic that GO serves. Nick spent 9 years in public school Special Education and another 3.5 years working in direct care with the Dept. of Mental Health. Since leaving education in the spring of 2018 Nick started working for an international not-for-profit ( that is focused on making an impact in the communities that we serve.

Nick feels it is an honor and a privilege to serve alongside the Graceful Opportunities board members and vocational staff.

Carmen Shrimplin

Carmen is the mother of a son with autism and sensory processing disorder. Carmen has received different autism training including The Son Rise program and Delta Genesis.

She has served the community and led a parent support group and social group for special needs families.

Andrea Roseman

Andrea is the Access Ministry Director at Lynwood Baptist Church, the church’s ministry to teens/adults with special needs and their families. Through working with this ministry, Andrea quickly realized all of the obstacles to employment opportunities and services for individuals with special needs after high school.

Serving on the Graceful Opportunities board goes hand in hand with serving through Access. In addition to meeting spiritual needs, the day to day physical needs must be met for people, as well. 

Jessica Evans

Jessica has worked with individuals with developmental disabilities for the last 8 years.

She has her LCSW, has worked in behavioral therapy and in independent supported living, both associated with community involvement/employment.